Feelings Wheel 2.0

A way to master emotional intelligence!

Feelings Wheel 2.0 Book

Master Your Emotional Intelligence!

Publishing October 2024! In celebration, get a limited-time discount and free shipping!

Cover of Feelings Wheel 2.0. Great information about feelings and how to understand them.

Take control of your emotions! Feelings Wheel 2.0 (FW 2.0) is the tool to help you do this! FW 2.0 provides an attractive model to help you understand and regulate emotions. Kenneth Smith, MS, MA, LPCC-S, an experienced mental health professional used cutting-edge research in crafting FW 2.0, a new version of a psychological tool widely used for over 40 years. New features of FW 2.0 include information about emotional behaviors, interoception and body sensations. FW 2.0 is designed for everyone, individually or in groups. FW 2.0 is great for home, school, work and clinical settings. Discover how FW 2.0 will help you today!

Check out FW 2.0 Table of Contents, Preface, and Introduction to see all the great info that FW 2.0 has inside!

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