Scared (Anxious) Feelings

Steps for Treating Anxiety with FW 2.0

With people who have anxiety, I almost always use FW 2.0 in this way, very early in knowing them. The majority of people can regulate anxiety with this brief intervention with the following steps: I am always impressed by how well this short FW 2.0 intervention often works. People who have chronically anxious and Scared […]

Helping Anxiety with FW 2.0

Anxiety is on the rise in society. Ken is a man with anxiety issues. Lets see how FW 2.0 can help him. Features of the Person: Ken is a person who suffers from generalized anxiety. He is especially hypersensitive to anything uncertain, has a tough time relaxing, and is given to catastrophizing (continually fearing the […]

Nate Silver & Physical Feeling of Risk

Scared vs. Powerful Nate Silver, well known pollster was talking about the 2024 election with Ezra Klein Show for on YouTube for The New York Times. I don’t want to get into politics, especially this 2024 race as extreme Mad, Scared, and Sad feelings are all the focus this year. What I am interested in […]

Lustful Feelings

An Example of Why We Need a Feelings Model An interesting illustration of how understanding emotions can be confusing without a model is the emotion of lust (i.e., “being horny”). Lust, as I will define it, is sexual arousal that we want to take immediate action on. Contemporary society seems extremely interested in feelings related […]

Exploring the Feeling of Rejection

Rejection can happen in many forms—be it from a job, a college, peers, or a crush. It’s more than just an external experience; it’s a profound feeling that stems from deeper feelings of fear or panic. These fears can range from anything—fear of failure, not being good enough, even fear of rejection itself. Sometimes, this […]

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