The Joy of Creativity: Sparking New Ideas

Creativity is the ability to come up with new ideas or solutions to problems, sometimes turning those ideas into reality. It can take many different forms, ranging from practical uses in industries like business and engineering to creative pursuits like painting and music. Feeling creative stems from the feeling of joy, which can motivate us to interact with something we find interesting. Usually when we are feeling creative, we are inspired by something, but sometimes we get that feeling and lack inspiration or are just stuck.

If you’re feeling stuck or just want to feel more inspired and creative, here are a few ideas to help.

Be Open-Minded 

By engaging in activities you normally would not, you are exposing yourself to new experiences and perspectives. Maybe you’re looking to write music and rock isn’t usually your thing but you go to a rock festival that’s in town and come out feeling inspired to write a new song?

Be Curious

Ask “why” or “what if” about everyday things. Why was Big Ben designed the way it was? What if they took a different architectural approach? Or, why did they make that new product? Consider the needs it serves or how it could be improved—this line of questioning can lead to innovative ideas.


Whether it’s to a new city or a new country, exposing and immersing yourself in a new culture or exploring a different town can give you a fresh perspective.  

Take a Break

If you’re in the middle of a creative pursuit, taking a break may help prevent burnout and improve your focus. Sometimes, giving your mind a rest allows ideas to happen subconsciously, leading to breakthroughs when you return to your work.

By using these techniques, you can create an atmosphere that encourages creativity and helps you reach your creative potential even in times of uncertainty.

What techniques do you use to spark your creativity?

The Joy of Creativity: Sparking New Ideas

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